Albert Einstein Success Story

By on July 12, 2013

Albert Einstein didn’t speak until three years of age and it took him several more years after that before he could speak fluently. He couldn’t read

Albert Einstein Success Story

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

until he was seven years of age in elementary school was a struggle for him which led to many people suspecting him of being retarded. It’s been told that when his school teachers asked him a question he took forever to answer even silently mouthing the words to himself before slowly speaking them out loud. In fact, many people believed Einstein would never succeed at anything.

Einstein didn’t give it on his higher education, but continued to face difficulties at every turn. He applied to the Swiss Federal Institute of technology but failed the entrance exam and had to take it a second time for he was admitted to the school. The school even rejected his doctoral dissertation and called it irrelevant and fanciful, which I would suspect came back to haunt them years later when his brilliance was evident to the entire world.

After he finally graduated from college, he got a job as a clerk in a patent office. He said that he liked that job because it was mostly mindless and allowed him free time study and research scientific theories he was working on time. He stated in this job for a while but continued being very absent-minded. It is said that he often forgot simple things such as making sure he put on his socks before shoes, and it is also told that he wants misplaced day payroll check because he use it as a bookmark in his research.

Regardless of all of Einstein’s setbacks and rejection by the general public and education, he continued his studies experimentation and work on his theories. In fact, it was not until after one of Einstein’s first theories the special theory of relativity was published that the scientific community and the world truly recognized his great talents. However, even then many scientists throughout the world ridiculed him and attacked his theories calling them worthless and useless, and even going as far as saying that Einstein does not have a logical mind.

In true Einstein fashion he went on to become a professor at the University in Zürich and later, a professor of theoretical physics at Prague. He then went on to prove to all of the doubting, ridiculing scientists throughout the world that he did have a brilliant mind by winning the Nobel Prize in physics in 1921.


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