Affirmations – How to Use Quiet Moments to Connect with Your Soul
The sound of silence is therapeutic. It allows me to look deep within my soul. I uncover hidden feelings, thoughts, and ideas when I take the time away from external noise. When I am alone, I close...
- Posted 10 years ago
Affirmations for Positive Change
I change my life by transforming myself. When I want to change some aspect of my life, I determine what changes in myself can help bring it to fruition. All of the changes in my life are...
- Posted 10 years ago
Affirmations to Savor Each Moment of Each Day
I savor each moment of each day. I savor the moments that fill my life because each day is only lived once. My life is composed of special moments that are unique. Being mindful of the gift...
- Posted 10 years ago
Affirmations to Help Form Positive Habits
I create positive habits in my life. A habit is a pattern of behavior that is an automatic response or action. This happens after doing a particular routine for a length of time until it becomes natural....
- Posted 11 years ago
Happiness Affirmations
Affirmation: I spread happiness wherever I go. How I approach the world each day largely determines the kind of day I have and the quality of interactions I experience. So I make a conscious decision every day...
- Posted 11 years ago