Spice Up Your Boring About Page and Capture More Leads

By on October 11, 2014

AboutPostImageHere’s the scoop!  Everyone needs to quit rambling on about themselves on the “about” pages.  There…I said it.

Have you every really cared about the mundane junk on all those about pages?  I guess maybe if you’re super nosy you might, but most people really don’t care that you own three dogs, have two kids and that you once entertained the idea of becoming a monk.

A good about page is an excellent way to connect with your audience and SERVE YOUR AUDIENCE… and capture their lead information in the process of wow-ing them with all of the stuff you’re going to help them with!

(Note: notice I yelled out serve your audience?  That is at the core of my personal values and the values of my business.  Everything I do – I try to make sure that it has value for my audience.  So, while I talk about capturing leads and all that stuff, remember that we need to keep our audience’s best interest at heart.  And, the best way to do that is to always offer tremendous value).  Now, on to the good stuff.

The key elements of a good about page that will deliver value and entice someone to become your prospect are:

1. A very quick introduction of yourself.  A single sentence is best.

2. Ask your audience thought/action provoking questions.  If you’ve done your marketing research then you should know what those are!  If you don’t know what those are then check out my free course on how to start earning money online.  I cover how to find those questions in that course and how to generate prospects passively.

3. Now that you’ve asked the questions, tell them how you can help them!

4. Place an optin box right after you tell them how you can help them.  If they are on board they’ll fill it out.

5. Now, do a real about paragraph that tells a little bit about you, but focus it on building your authority as the expert who can help them.

6. Place an optin box right after your brief “about” paragraph.  This is the last shot at capturing the lead on this page.  You just built credibility as an expert, so they might be more inclined to sign up.

For an example of this exact sequence just check out my about page.