Share Your Success Story

By on November 26, 2014

Most of those success stories I have are either from people who are celebrities that have risen from the ashes, or stories that I have found via news media.  Those stories are great, and can definitely be inspiring, but you know what?

Most of those people are strangers.

They aren’t family like we are.

I don’t know about you, but when I hear a success story from family or friends it definitely sticks with me more and is certainly more inspirational.

I said all of that to say this…

We need to share our successes as a family and build our community stronger here at SuccessGroove.  What challenges have you faced and have overcome during this past year?  Think about them all…

And then share them with the rest of us by clicking the following link and sending your story to me.  I’ll share it will the entire SuccessGroove family.

Click HERE to share your success story!